What are we becoming?
On CNN's the situation room, Jack Cafferty looks at how the House passed legislation that includes a war crimes immunity clause. He rightfully asks, "what are we becoming?"
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"...Governing is a lot easier when your checks and balances come from people who don't want to check or balance you...after all, why let the opposing party fight your legislation? You have way more control when you're your own opposition. And folks, it's a strategy that can work on any issue...instead of letting your political enemies come out against it, you seize the high moral ground by getting a member of your own party to oppose you…then you can reach a reasonable compromise. After all, if you're your own party's opposition, what position can your real opposition take? Submission"
"Back in the summer of 2001, I wanted to move some money into defense-related and home security stocks, but your brokers talked me out of it. Is that because you and your friends were buying those stocks and wanted to keep the price down?"
"Exactly. We felt that with the 9/11 terror attacks coming up later in the summer, that sector of the market would probably triple in value... and once again, we were right."
"You knew in advance about 9/11?"